TEWKSBURY — Tram Nguyen, newly seated representative for Andover, North Andover, Boxford and Tewksbury, is ready to get to work.
“I plan to do anything possible to be accessible to my constituents,” said Nguyen. “I will hold monthly office hours in each of the four towns in my district and I will listen to everyone, even if we disagree.”
Nguyen plans to hit the ground running by working on the issues that she heard about while door knocking during the campaign: common sense gun safety, environmental protection, school funding, women’s health, services for seniors and veterans, and the opioid crisis. In the wake of the gas explosions, Nguyen also plans to keep infrastructure needs at the forefront of the budget debate.
“We have a strong delegation here in the Merrimack Valley, and I look forward to collaborating with my colleagues to effectively serve the people of the 18th Essex District, region and commonwealth,” Nguyen said.
Nguyen will hold Tewksbury office hours this month noon-2 p.m. Jan. 25 and 2:30-4:30 p.m. Jan. 26 in the Trustees’ Room at the Tewksbury Public Library, 300 Chandler St.
Nguyen can also be reached at tram.nguyen@mahouse.gov or 617-722-2425.