By Bryan McGonigle, Wicked Local
Contrary to popular mispronunciation, state representative candidate Tram Nguyen’s last name is pronounced “win.”
“Like how we’re going to win this election,” Nguyen said in her North Andover office as she put down her phone after a morning of calling scores of Essex 18th District residents on a cold. cloudy Columbus Day. “I’m very excited.”
A girl who was born in Vietnam and raised in Lawrence and Methuen is now a woman living in Andover with a mission – representing her community and her district on Beacon Hill.
Nguyen, 31, has worked on campaigns in the past, but this is her first time as a candidate. And she’s running against state Rep. Jim Lyons, R-Andover, who has kept his seat since 2010.
A couple months ago, someone posted on the North Andover Mom’s page saying they didn’t even know who this “Tram” person is, noting they “don’t even know him.”
Since then, her name has risen as a topic of conversation and her notoriety has blossomed with her full-steam, no-stone-left-unturned movement of sorts.