2020 Endorsements



Maura Healey



Ed Markey
Lori Trahan
Seth Moulton

Elizabeth Warren

350 Mass Action
Alice Peisch, State Representative
Andy Vargas, State Representative
American Federation of Teachers MA
Andover Democratic Town Committee
Andover Firefighters Local 1658
Ann Margaret Ferrante, State Representative
Annie Gilbert, Andover Selectwoman
Barbara Jessel, Boxford Selectwoman
Barry Finegold, State Senator
Bay State Stonewall Democrats
Boston Carmens Union Local 589
Boxford Democratic Town Committee
Bricklayers & Allied Democrats
Bridge & Structural Iron Workers
Chinese Progressive PAC
Chris Nobile, North Andover Select Board
Christina Minicucci, State Representative
Christine Barber, State Representative
Claire Cronin, State RepresentativE
Dave Robertson, State Representative
Denise Garlick, State Representative
Denise Provost, State Representative
Eileen Duff, Governor's Councilor
Elevator Constructors Local 4 PAC
Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator
Emily's List
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Greater Boston Real Estate Board PAC
Heat & Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers
IBEW Local 2321
IBEW Local 2222
Iron Workers Local 7
Jamie Eldridge, State Senator
Joan Meschino, State Representative
Kathleen LaNatra, State Representative
Kay Khan, State Representative
IU PAT District Council #35
Laura Gregory, Andover Selectwoman
Linda Dean-Campbell, State Representative
Liz Malia, State Representative
Liz Miranda, State Representative
Lori Trahan, U.S. Representative
Maria Robinson, State Representative
Marjorie Decker, State Representative
Mass Alliance
Mass Equality PAC
Mass Power Forward
Mass Retirees
Massachusetts Association of Realtors
Massachusetts Bricklayers People's Committee 527
Massachusetts Dental Society
Massachusetts & Northern New England Laborer's District
Massachusetts Nurses Associations
Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists
Massachusetts State UAW PAC Council
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Massachusetts Voters for Animals
Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus
Maura Healey, Attorney General
Merrimack Valley Building Trades Council
Merrimack Valley Central Labor Council
Michelle Ciccolo, State Representative
Mindy Domb, State Representative
Natalie Blais, State Representative
Natalie Higgins, State Representative
New American Leaders
New England Regional Council of Carpenters PAC Fund
New Progressive Leaders
Nika Elugardo, State Representative
North Andover Democratic Town Committee
North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters
Pat Haddad, State Representative
Paul Mark, State Representative
Paul Murphy, Andover School Committee
Paul Tucker, State Representative
The Progressive Vietnamese American Organization (PIVOT)
Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund
Plumbers Local 12
Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts
Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts
Run En Masse (REM)
Renee Schildkraut, Boxford School Committee
Roofers Local 33 PAC
Run for Something
Sarah Peake, State Representative
Service Employees International Union Local 1199
Seth Moulton, U.S. Representative
Shannon Scully, Andover School Committee
Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 17
Sierra Club Massachusetts
Speaker's Office
Susan McCready, Andover School Committee
Susannah Whipps, State Representative
Terri Teleen, Masconomet School Committee
Tewksbury Democratic Town Committee
Tracey Spruce, Andover School Committee
Tricia Farley-Bouvier, State Representative
UA Locals (Plumbers Local 12)
UAW Massachusetts Community Action Program
United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 791
United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1445
United Steelworkers
Voice for Refuge Action Fund
Young Democrats of Massachusetts
2018 Endorsements

Barack Obama
"They’re Americans who aren’t just running against something, but for something. They’re running to expand opportunity for all of us and to restore the dignity, honor, and compassion that should be the essence of public service."

Hillary Clinton
"Our democracy is in crisis, but I’m optimistic that through building a bench of progressive leaders who put their communities and values first, we will put ourselves back on the path to a fairer, more inclusive America."

Emily's List
"Tram T. Nguyen has been an advocate for domestic violence survivors, women, and families as a legal aid attorney, and is ready to take her skills to the state House. EMILY’s List is proud to endorse her.”
350 Mass Action
AAPI Progressive Action
Massachusetts AFL-CIO
American Federation of Teachers MA
Andover Firefighters Local 1658
Annie Gilbert, Andover Selectwoman
Barbara Jessel, Boxford Selectwoman
Barbara L'Italien, State Senator
Bay State Stonewall Democrats
Bricklayers & Allied Democrats
Bridge & Structural Iron Workers
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen
Clean Water Action
Diana DiZoglio, State Representative
Ed Markey, US Senator
EnvironmInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Heat & Frost Insulator and Asbestos Workers
Holly Vietzke-Lynch, North Andover School Committee
Jamie Eldridge, State Senator
Joel Blumenstein, Andover School Committee
Laura Gregory, Andover Selectwoman
Lowell Sun
United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 791United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1445
Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus
Maria's List
Mass Alliance
Mass COP
Massachusetts Nurses Association
Mass Retirees
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Massachusetts Voters for Animals
Maura Healey, Attorney General
Merrimack Valley Building Trades Council
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense
Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists
Merrimack Valley Central Labor Council
NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts
National Association of Social Workers
Paul Murphy, Andover School Committee
Paul Salafia, Andover Selectman
People for the American Way
The Progressive Vietnamese American Organization (PIVOT)
UAW Massachusetts Community Action Program
UNITE HERE New England Joint Board
Young Democrats of Massachusetts
Tracy Spruce Andover School Committee
Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts
Phil DeCologero, North Andover Selectman
Planned Parenthood Massachusetts
Plumbers Local 12
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts
Regina Kean, North Andover Selectwoman
Roofers Local 33
Run for Something
Service Employees International Union Local 509
Service Employees International Union Local 888
Service Employees International Union Local 1199
Seth Moulton, US Representative
Serve American
Shannon Scully, Andover School Committee
Sheet Metal Workers
Sierra Club
Susan McCready, Andover School Committee
Teamsters Local 122